
💗Wishing you a warm & magical holiday season

A letter from our founders
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Happy Holidays from the Awe team!


We want to wish all of you a happy holiday season as 2022 comes to a close. Perhaps this is the first year in the past three that you'll be able to celebrate with family and friends in person. For those still quarantining, we send you our love and a big hug.


More than anything, the past few years have taught us the importance of close-knit spaces. We are so proud of the community we have built with our loyal customers and admirers of the brand who relate to our message of empowerment and honoring the Goddess within.


As we look to 2023, we are more devoted than ever to expanding our community by reaching people looking for awe and spiritual connection and inviting them into spaces (digital and in-real-life) where they will find support, resources, and guidance.


Thank you to all of you who have joined us on this journey of self-discovery and cultivating community. It would be an honor to hear from you directly and we invite you to share your thoughts, comments, concerns, compliments, and everything in between about Awe as we continue to nurture and develop this brand. Please reply directly to this email and let's move ahead with this conversation.

Jill + Max

With all our love,


Jill + Max

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