
Freedom must be won, again and again

Join us in continuing the fight
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What freedom means to us

What is at the root of freedom?

Sometimes hearing the same word over and over again can dilute its meaning, and it helps to go back to basics, and look that word up again. There are so many synonyms for "freedom," including opportunity, independence, and autonomy. Another one is self-determination. A powerful word like freedom deserves and demands to be defined with care.

So far in 2022, we have seen some major freedoms taken away from us. Taken away without regard. With impunity. We've also been threatened that even more hard-won liberties are potentially on the chopping block. The autonomy, self-determination, and yes, opportunities, so many of us have fought for for years are proving to be more fragile than we ever thought.

From the very beginning, Awe Inspired has championed the fight for freedom, and, alongside it, the fight for justice. We have donated as much of our proceeds as possible to organizations advocating and fighting for women, their right to self-determination, and their empowerment. Our company was founded on the core tenets of celebrating diversity, spreading feminism, advancing social justice, and bolstering inner strength.

This Fourth of July is invariably different than many before it. Many people won't feel like celebrating. However, many – us at Awe included – will be ready to fight, as so many before us have fought, and to continue fighting for as long as it takes. For freedom. For the right for everyone to chart their own course, shape their own future, and determine for themselves what their lives should look like. We stand with everyone who is angry but resolute, exhausted yet equally steadfast, disheartened but, above all, hopeful. Let's continue the fight together.

Thank you for your support,

Jill and Max
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Awe Inspired, 5500 Lincoln Drive Suite 155, Minneapolis, Minnesota 55436
