
The Electrification Newsletter: Learn all about hybrids

How hybrids work, what's in it for you, and how to decide on a vehicle.
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How do hybrids work?
Hybrid vehicles have a gas engine and an electric motor. The two work together to power the vehicle, and the vehicle recovers energy when braking. That's why hybrids don't need to be plugged in. A wide range of cars and SUVs now come in hybrid models. You don't have to worry about plugging in or battery range, so they're ideal for any length of trip.
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Honda Insight with illustrated background
Why drive a hybrid?
Driving a hybrid vehicle requires no change in your day-to-day life. The only real difference is that you'll go to the gas station less often. When compared to a gas-only vehicle, you'll spend less money on fuel, enjoy increased efficiency and reduce your vehicle emissions. It's what we call "win-win-win."
See Benefits
What's your match?
Now that you've learned about hybrid technology, you're probably wondering which vehicle is right for you. What about plug-in hybrids? Are hydrogen fuel-cell vehicles part of this conversation? Take our quiz and get an "electrifying" recommendation based on your lifestyle.
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