
Reminder - Dr. Townsend’s - Weekly Zoom Meeting

Concordia University Irvine


The Townsend Institute at Concordia University Irvine would like to invite you to Dr. Townsend's exclusive weekly Zoom meetings. This week's Zoom meeting will be covering "Leadership in a Crisis."

This Zoom event will start tomorrow, Wednesday, May 13th, 11:30 am -12:30 pm PT. Here is where you can register:

After Dr. Townsend's talk on "Leadership in a Crisis" our videoconference consultant will pick a few of you who have questions. You will show up on the screen, so that you will not only be present with the live event, but you will talking live with me on video, increasing the personal nature of the experience.

We hope to see you tomorrow!

Justin Moschina, M.A. EML
Director of Graduate and Adult Admissions
Direct: (949) 214-3613
Cell: (949) 395-7102

1530 Concordia West, Irvine, CA 92612

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