
Dr. Townsends 4 Steps to New Leaders

Concordia University Irvine


Dr. Townsend spoke to our Townsend Institute students this week about the importance of leadership and emotional intelligence in our virtual classroom with some of our Fellows. One of our Organizational Leadership students asked what some of the most important things leaders must have when stepping into a new role. Dr. Townsend's response was…

  1. Connect with people. Before anything you must get to know your people, be warm, and connect deeper than surface level biographies.
  2. Show competence. You need to show your people you re competent without bragging. Many times confidence shows competence. An example of doing this without bragging is, "I see the infrastructure may have some challenges here, but some opportunities here, as the industry moves in this direction, my experience says we need to do this."
  3. Establish vision. You are the one charged with driving the ship, share your vision and get early buy in from your team.
  4. Push accountability. Share how accountability doesn't just work as a one way street; you are accountable to your higher ups just like your team is ultimately accountable to you.

Want to learn more about Dr. Townsend and the Institute? Check out our website or send me an email back and we can chat.

p.s. We have a start this month on February 25th and can get you started now if you are ready to join the institute, all with waiving your application and giving you a $500 scholarship!


Patty Hunt
Graduate & Adult Admissions Counselor

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